A missão que desafia a Educação: Promover a Cultura de Paz


  • Lia Diskin


The mission that challenges Education: Promoting the Culture of Peace

Interview with: Lia Diskin

Lia Diskin has a degree in Journalism, with a specialization in Literary Criticism, from Instituto Superior de Periodismo José Hernandez, in Buenos Aires. She received the Medal from the Gibran International Cultural Association (ACIGI) for “Adding the Wisdom of the East to the Progress of the West‟ (1986). UNESCO's Diploma of Recognition for its contribution in the areas of Human Rights and Culture of Peace (2008). She is co-founder of the Palas Athena Association. Creator of dozens of assistance and socio-educational programs. Coordinator of the São Paulo Committee for the Decade of Culture of Peace - a UNESCO program. International writer and lecturer.

