Continuing Education and Pedagogical Transposition: a mosaic of practices and experiences in Education for ethnic-racial relations


  • Renata Nogueira da Silva Uni-EAPE/SEEDF
  • Thais Brayner SEEDF
  • Maria Clara Rodrigues Xavier SEEDF
  • Eliane Alves Lima SEEDF
  • Vanessa Rocha SEEDF
  • Clarissa Nogueira Borges SEEDF


Collective writing, Continuing education, Ethnic-racial relations


This article aims at comprehending the pedagogical transpositions processes developed by five education professionals and their teacher educator through the last five years of continuing education centered on Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations at Uni-Eape. In this paper, the participants themselves present, with their own words, how the thematic addressed in the courses they took have impacted their personal and professional lives. This text has been written in a collective and collaborative way, allowing, among other things, highlight the importance of continuing education as a dialogical space, based on the experience exchange and reflexivity between theory and practice. Moreover, it was possible to point out the transforming potential continuing education has and the diversity of experience it promotes. Through the reports individually produced by each participant, we intend to construct a complex mosaic of narratives on the implications of this continuing education on their pedagogical practices and professional identities.

Author Biographies

Renata Nogueira da Silva, Uni-EAPE/SEEDF

Professora da SEEDF desde 2005, onde atua como formadora de professores da Uni-EAPE desde 2019. Doutora em Antropologia pela UnB, pesquisadora do LEEG - UnB (Laboratorio de Estudos em Economias e Globalizações), tem realizado pesquisa nas áreas de: relações étnico-raciais, patrimônio imaterial, formação de professores/as, diversidade e História da África e sudeste asiático. Contato:

Thais Brayner, SEEDF

Sociology teacher at SEEDF, Specialist in Political Sociology (IUPERJ), Master's and PhD student in Social Anthropology (UnB), as well as a researcher in the field of Education, Anthropology and the indigenous question.

Maria Clara Rodrigues Xavier, SEEDF

Professora da SEEDF, militante do movimento social e grupos negros, pesquisadora sobre a história e cultura afro-brasileira, além de integrante dos Coletivos “Aya - mães e filhos da Ceilândia” e “Lélia González, presente!". Contato:

Eliane Alves Lima, SEEDF

Professora do Ensino Especial na SEEDF, militante do Movimento Indígena e escritora (seu nome civil é Eliane Alves Lima). Contato:

Vanessa Rocha, SEEDF

Professora de Português da SEEDF, Licenciada em Língua Portuguesa e Literaturas Portuguesa e Brasileira (UCB). Contato:

Clarissa Nogueira Borges, SEEDF

Mestra em Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Saúde pela Universidade de Brasília, Especialista em Psicologia Escolar e Educacional pelo Conselho Federal de Psicologia, atua no Atendimento Educacional Especializado ao Estudante com Altas Habilidades/Superdotação da SEEDF. Contato:

