Teaching Mental Health in the Covid-19 pandemic and post-pandemic: analysis of Secretariat of Education of the Federal District public policies


  • Ana Maria Bastos de Carvalho SEEDF
  • Katilen Machado Vicente Squarisi SEEDF e UnB


Mental health, Education and Work, Teachers, Pandemic, Public policy


This study aims to present and analyze the Public Policies of the State Department of Education of the Federal District (SEEDF) focused on the Mental Health of teachers, especially during the covid-19 pandemic and post-pandemic period. This is an article resulting from bibliographical research and documentary analysis of SEEDF documents, as well as scientific productions published between 2009 and 2023 developed in Brazil with this theme. Preventive actions aimed at mental health guide this discussion, considering a topic of social relevance, but which in the pandemic has become even more elementary for the health of teaching staff, as in the context of imminent uncertainties, mental health was impacted resulting in the illness of these professionals. SEEDF, through the Quality of Life and Wellbeing at Work Advisory (ASQVT), linked to the Subsecretariat for People Management (SUGEP), has the competence to carry out actions aimed at promoting well-being and quality of life in the work environment. work of these professionals. Some actions were already carried out, however, it was due to the category's chronic illness, mainly due to psychological disorders, that more comprehensive actions were planned and implemented. These actions are supported by the SEEDF Quality of Life, Health and Wellbeing Policy for Public Servants in the Workplace, and for Retired Servants. The study made it possible to present how the elements are interconnected and that we cannot disregard the social, political, economic and cultural contexts in the face of this phenomenon that is so discussed in formal and informal conversation circles.

Author Biographies

Ana Maria Bastos de Carvalho, SEEDF

Psicóloga clínica com especialização em Gestão de Pessoas, Análise do Comportamento. Pós-graduada em Educação Básica e Direitos Humanos na Perspectiva Internacional – EBDHI. Professora da Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal (SEEDF). Contato: anamaria.carvalho2103@gmail.com

Katilen Machado Vicente Squarisi, SEEDF e UnB

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Orientadora Educacional da Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal (SEEDF), Professora do Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares (CEAM/Lelis) da UnB. Contato: katilensquarisi@gmail.com

