Political-pedagogical Project (PPP) and democratic management in the context of SEEDF schools



Political-Pedagogical Project, Democratic management, School context


The present study aims to analyze the process of construction and implementation of the PPP Political-Pedagogical Project and the role of democratic management in the school context of schools of the State Department of Education of the Federal District (SEEDF). Therefore, to support this study it was necessary to carry out qualitative research with data collection through an online questionnaire, which made it possible to carry out a survey based on the contribution of 39 Basic Education professionals, who, through their everyday experiences, supported this work with data based on their perceptions about how the construction, planning and implementation of the PPP occurs in the schools in which they work. Furthermore, in addition to this, a bibliographical analysis was carried out with input from Law No. 9394/96, Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDBEN), the Federal Constitution of 1988, as well as Law nº 4.751/2012, which deals with the Democratic Management of the Public Education System of the Federal District, following the Pedagogical Guidelines (2010) that guide and govern the SEEDF education system. In short, the results indicate that the documents that guide SEEDF's pedagogical proposals seek, in an articulated way, to direct the actions to be carried out in the educational context, as they promote learning. However, they reveal that this organization presents weaknesses in terms of articulations for the collective construction of the Political-Pedagogical Project of SEEDF schools. Undoubtedly, propositions are needed to rethink these practices in the school context.

Author Biographies

Milena Rosane da Silva, SEEDF

Graduada em Letras/Literaturas pelo Instituto Superior de Educação Paulo Martins-ISPAM (2006-2009), tem pós-graduação lato sensu em Educação em e para os Direitos Humanos na Diversidade Cultural (2015), Especialista em Educação Básica e Direitos Humanos na Perspectiva Internacional (2022-2023) pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Professora da Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal (SEEDF). Contato: milena.rosane@gmail.com

Gisele Cristine da Silva Dantas, Universidade de Brasília - UNB

Professora formadora da rede educacional pública (EAPE/SEEDF), Psicóloga, Mestre e Doutora em Psicologia Clínica e Cultura da Universidade de Brasília. Contato: dantasg@hotmail.com

