Work and digital literacy among teachers after remote teaching: reflections on teaching


  • Fernanda de Lima Oliveira SEEDF
  • Urânia Flôres da Cruz Freitas CEAM-UnB


Digital literacy, School Technology, Continuing Education, Learning, Remote teaching


Due to the covid-19 pandemic and the need for social isolation, the education system has had to adapt to remote teaching, making the use of technological resources inevitable. However, there were many difficulties along the way, such as the lack of internet access, equipment that could cope with the workload, the lack of public policies to reach all students and the need for broader teacher training that could contribute to both the handling and digital literacy of the agents in this process. In view of this, it was necessary to investigate what legacy this experience with the digital universe left for education professionals working in the classroom after remote education. To this end, we followed the methodological path of bibliographical research and the application of a questionnaire, with the aim of understanding the reality of some of the network's teachers and the implications of this scenario for student learning.

Author Biographies

Fernanda de Lima Oliveira, SEEDF

Professora da Educação Básica, na Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal, especialista em Direitos Humanos na Perspectiva Internacional do Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares da Universidade de Brasília/UnB. Contato:

Urânia Flôres da Cruz Freitas, CEAM-UnB

Doutora em Desenvolvimento, Sociedade e Cooperação Internacional. Mestra em Educação. Professora e Pesquisadora Colaboradora Sênior do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Políticas Públicas para Infância e Juventude - PPGPPIJ/CEAM/UnB.

