The School inclusion, human rights, teaching and learning: a reflection on the guiding legal frameworks and inclusive school práxis


  • Joaquim Souza Junior UnB e SEEDF


Inclusion, Human rights, Teaching/Learning, Atypical Development


This article discusses the principle that education is everyone's right. This statement is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). The Declaration of Salamanca (1994) is embodied as a set of principles, policies, actions and guidelines that guide Inclusive Education. With the new LDB – Law 9394/1996, this inclusive policy emerges in Brazilian education. From 1996 until today, much progress has been made and much needs to be done in the process of school inclusion. School inclusion is configured as something complex and intertwined with the entire multidimensionality of the educational system. The teaching and learning process, as a dialectical, contextualized action that occurs directly between the teacher and the student and because it is directly linked to pedagogical practice, configures itself as a fertile field for understanding School Inclusion. This article, through the understanding of a series of interviews with teachers of included students, discusses this process. This analysis is constructed dialectically in the conversation between authors such as Vigotski, Freire and Anastasiou with the researcher and the teaching professors.

Author Biography

Joaquim Souza Junior, UnB e SEEDF

Graduado em Pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília – UniCEUB (2004) e Bacharel em Filosofia pelo Seminário Maior de São Basílio Magno (2003). Possui pós-graduação em Psicopedagogia pela Universidade Albert Einstein e em Direitos Humanos e Educação Básica na Perspectiva Internacional pelo Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares da Universidade de Brasília (CEAM-UnB). Atualmente, é aluno do PPGE de Mestrado na Faculdade de Educação da UnB. Professor da Educação Básica da Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal (SEEDF), onde atua como pedagogo da Equipe Especializada de Apoio à Aprendizagem (EEAA). Contato:

