Implementation of computational thinking for Gifted and talented Children: reporting an experience


  • Kelly Fabíola Viana dos Santos SEEDF
  • Ana Paula Almeida de Matos SEEDF


Keywords: Computational Thinking, Giftedness, Enrichment unplugged activities.



This study report an experience about implementation of  the computacional thinking (CT) for gifted and talented children in a special classroom of  gifted and talented students education in the Samambaia city, on the outskirts of Brasília, Brazil. In the last years the adoption of computational thinking in the schools has been growing worldwide. Its use on basic education contribute to the adaptation of the classroom to the needs of contemporary society. Especially when it is about gifted and talented students education, its use  is important to attend their special needs, as the need for challenging education, for exemple.  In this paper we describe our process for introducing activities of computational thinking in our special classroom of gifted and talented students. The participants of the project were composed of  27 primary school gifted and talented students for the Specialized Educational Service in Gifted and Talented at the CAIC Helena Reis Scholl (SEEDF) in the Samambaia City, Brasília, Brazil. The project has resulted in an experience that approaches towards solving problems   using methods and tools that are derived from computer science, through introductory activities to unplugged computational thinking for gifted and talented students.

Keywords: Computational Thinking, Giftedness, Enrichment unplugged activi-ties.

Author Biographies

Kelly Fabíola Viana dos Santos, SEEDF

Mestre e doutora em Literatura e Práticas Sociais pela Universidade de Brasília, na linha de pesquisa em Literatura e outras Artes. Professora de Artes na Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal, atuando na Itinerância do Atendimento Educacional Especializado em Altas Habilidades/Superdotação.

Ana Paula Almeida de Matos, SEEDF

Pedagoga. Mestranda do Programa de Educação Inclusiva na Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (PROFEI/UEPG). Professora da Secretaria de Educação do Distrito Federal. Atua na Sala de Recursos de Altas Habilidades/Superdotação.

