Cidadania Digital, Formação Docente, Educação, Inovação, Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação (TDIC)Abstract
In the era of digital culture, the spread of the use of media platforms and social software has made the production and distribution of ideas gain great proportions. But, just like in the real world, erroneous behavior in the virtual environment causes damage such as fake news, cyberbullying, data leakage, information theft, algorithmic racism, sextorsion and virtual rape. At this juncture, young people become more vulnerable targets due to massive online use. Given this, Education presents itself as the driving force for building individuals with responsibility, criticality and ethics in the use of the digital environment. Challenged to think of good practices to deal with the issue through the discipline of Innovation and Teacher Training, of the Graduate Program in Education at the University of Brasília, we proposed to discuss whether continuing education in digital citizenship contributes to differentiated practices in the classroom of the classroom and its role in building a critical awareness of students. Through an exploratory research, of a qualitative nature, we seek to discuss the theme shedding light on teacher training from bibliographic and documental sources. In addition to the theoretical analysis, we brought the discussion to the concrete reality by contextualizing the Cidadania Digital na Educação course offered by the Undersecretariat for Continuing Education of Education Professionals of the Distrito Federal since 2022 to education professionals. At the end of the itinerancy, it became evident that teacher training for Digital Citizenship is necessary and has great strength in building cybercitizens.