Juntos somos mais fortes! Vem comigo e Projeto de Vida
clima escolar, valores morais, rodas de conversas, projeto de vida, protagonismo, cultura da pazAbstract
This article aims to describe the good experience of moral practices, inserted in the "Vem Comigo'' (or Come with Me) Project, such as dialogue circles and school assemblies, which when applied at school can help to reduce violence. Also, the successful combination of this anti-bullying project, with the curricular unit “Project of Life”, contributed to this result, as well as to a positive school environment. In order to showcase this process and its results, there are, in this article, some of the activities developed within the school community that goes beyond activities in the classroom: themed dialogue circles with students and their parents, interviews with teachers and students in addition to school assemblies with students. The addressed themes were Bullying, Moral Values, Dilemmas and Conflicts, Expression of Feelings and Constructive Communication. It concludes with an overview of the development of this project at school, the importance of creating a democratic and ethical environment for the use of the culture of Peace by all segments of the school community.