Emergent literacy practices in a Rural Early Childhood Education Center in Federal District



Education, Emergent literacy, Infancy


This article discusses the development of phonemic awareness in children aged 05-06 in Early Childhood Education from the perspective of the introduction of materiality in emergent literacy activities involving the use of objects. It briefly presents the theoretical aspects of emergent literacy practices in Early Childhood Education and discusses how the use of objects in the construction of grapheme-phoneme relationships seems to indicate the possibility of a relationship between materiality and emergent literacy. This article presents excerpts from a descriptive-exploratory study of a Master's in Education research carried out at the University of Brasilia and aims to describe the changes in the phonemic awareness indicators of children aged 05-06, resulting from the micro genetic analysis of the data collected in the triadic interactions (adult-child-object) from the use of the letter-figure-object memory game in emergent literacy practices developed in a Rural Early Childhood Education Center in the Federal District. The results indicate the relevance of the use of objects in building relationships between phonemes and graphemes in rural children and seek to contribute to new reflections and discussions about emergent literacy practices in Early Childhood Education.

Author Biography

Vanessa Carla Barros dos Santos, Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal (SEEDF)

Mestre em Educação pela Universidade de Brasília. Pedagoga pela Universidade Estadual de Goiás. Especialista em Alfabetização e Letramento. Especialista em Educação Infantil e Desenvolvimento. Participa do Grupo de Pesquisa InfantiaUnB. Atualmente é professora dos anos iniciais na SEEDF. Contato: barrossantosvc@gmail.com


