Scientific Connection: popularization of science in basic education


  • Michelle Guitton Cotta SEEDF e UnDF
  • Leila Guimarães de Abreu SEEDF
  • Ana Gabriela Pinheiro Souza UnB
  • Thauan Martins Lelis UnB
  • Luis Filipe Ferreira Anastácio SEEDF


Scientific education, Popularization of science, Basic Education, Science, Inclusion


The Conexão Científica is a scientific education project focused on science popularization for Basic Education that considers diversity and equity. This is an interdisciplinary project developed in a hybrid teaching context to promote learning and strengthen scientific initiation for students of the State Secretariat of Education of the Federal District (SEEDF). The project, coordinated in the participating school units (UEs), encourages the development of activities, experiments, debates, technical visits of a scientific nature in conjunction with the local scientific community, which comprises Science and Technology Institutions (ICTs) and Higher Education Institutions (IES) with the aim of offering accessible training to students, teachers, coordinators, managers and the interested public. The initiative involves connecting teachers and students to researchers from the Federal District and public managers.

Author Biographies

Michelle Guitton Cotta, SEEDF e UnDF

Professora de Biologia na Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal. Atualmente, em exercício na Ouvidoria da Universidade do Distrito Federal. Contato:

Leila Guimarães de Abreu, SEEDF

Professora de Biologia na Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal, no Centro de Ensino Médio Paulo Freire.

Ana Gabriela Pinheiro Souza, UnB

Mestra em Botânica pela Universidade de Brasília.

Thauan Martins Lelis, UnB

Mestre em Botânica pela Universidade de Brasília.

Luis Filipe Ferreira Anastácio, SEEDF

Professor de História na Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal, no Centro de Ensino Fundamental 102 Norte.

