Monjolo Alphabet Project: inventorying to connect


  • Lucilei Martins Coimbra SEEDF


Social, historical and cultural inventory, Monjolo alphabet, Águas Emendadas Ecological Station, Transdisciplinary learning, Rural school


The Social, Historical and Cultural Inventory (ISHC) is an initiative of the Federal District State Department of Education (SEEDF)" as part of the Rural Basic Education policy. It proposes a pedagogical approach centered on the student, connecting school to life and giving meaning to school knowledge by integrating the curriculum with the local reality inventoried. The "Monjolo Alphabet" project developed at the Monjolo Class School in Planaltina, Federal District, linked the literacy process to the collection and recording of data on the social, historical and ecological environment. With the participation of the 1st grade students' families, bibliographical research and interviews, the alphabet was contextualized with images of animals, plants and rural areas, highlighting the environmental richness of the Águas Emendadas Ecological Station (ESECAE). The approach included discussions about the ESECAE, illustrations selected by the students and a gradual presentation of the letters, types and alphabetical order. The project also involves practical activities such as virtual tours, videos about fauna and flora, storytelling, experiments, musicalization and exhibitions. The results showed that learning letters and images contributed to the students' psychogenetic development, as well as highlighting the interconnectedness of the curricular components. The research on the ESECAE provided the students with significant learning and greater awareness of the importance of the environment for the local community. In short, the experience of connecting the inventory and the Monjolo Alphabet demonstrated that a transdisciplinary approach promotes a deeper and more meaningful interest in knowledge, demonstrating the success of the project's objectives.

Author Biography

Lucilei Martins Coimbra, SEEDF

Nasci na comunidade rural de Barra Alta (Núcleo Rural Taguatinga) Planaltina DF. Filha de agricultores e estudante da escola do campo até oitava série. Sou professora da SEEDF desde 1997, formada em pedagogia pela UnB e em Ciências Jurídicas pelo Centro Universitário IESB. Também pós-graduada em Alfabetização e Letramento e Direito do Trabalho.  Atualmente trabalho na escola do campo Escola Classe Monjolo. Sou casada e mãe de três maravilhosas filhos. Gosto muito de ler e pesquisar.

