Pedagogical practice of early childhood teachers in the municipality of Paragominas/PA


  • Francisca Janice Silva Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Tânia Regina Lobato dos Santos Universidade do Estado do Pará


Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education Teacher, Pedagogical Practice


The article aims to reflect on the pedagogical practice of Early Childhood Education teachers, in relation to their attitudes and commitment to the work carried out within the scope of the educational space of this school stage of Basic Education, seeking to understand the perceptions of teachers from the municipal public network of Paragominas – PA, relating theory to practice. It is a research with a qualitative approach, having as locus four schools of Early Childhood Education. To carry out this research, a bibliographical and documental survey and field research (interviews) were carried out, which contributed to knowing the perceptions, attitudes and subjective aspects of the research participants. We carried out a bibliographical research based on authors who discuss the theme in reference and documents, based on the analysis of documents from the Municipal Department of Education and, as methodological procedures, interviews were carried out with teachers of Early Childhood Education, with the aim of investigating the proposed situation. The analysis of the corpus showed the pedagogical practice as a complex task, when considering the different factors that pervade this activity, namely: organization of school planning, methodology, evaluation, among other elements that are part of the educational process. The results showed that the kindergarten teachers understand that the pedagogical practice needs to be based on theoretical-practical knowledge and guided by games and children's experiences, also substantiated by an "apparent" knowledge about the standardization documents about kindergarten.


